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Week 1

Orientation/background studies: This week started out with orientation and getting familiar with my surroundings in the lab. I was challenged with the task of creating an educational game to help children grades 6-8 with middle school arithmetic. I was also able to study more on different programming languages as well.

Week 2

Professional Website/ NSBC conference: I started sketching out my initial design for my website. By doing that I would have a much easier time adding the content. On Wednesday I left for Atlanta, Georgia where I participated in the National Society for Blacks in Computing Conference where I was able to network with many graduate level students and professors from other institutions. Throughout my stay at the conference I was able to think long and hard about the possibilities of going to graduate school and the benefits it would offer.

Week 3

CITI Training

Week 4

Preliminary Status Report

Week 5

Preliminary Powerpoint presentation

Week 6

Poster of work

Week 7

Complete CITI training if not complete

Week 8

Evaluation and final writeups

Week 9-10

Final Powerpoint presentation of work

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